Italian marble in Jaipur and Marble in Makrana

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Italian marble in Jaipur

Jaipur is one of India’s most culturally rich historical cities. The city was founded in 1727 and is called after Maharaja Jai Singh II, the city’s principal creator.

The city was often invaded by neighboring warriors, the Marathas. Jaipur was ruled by Rajputs for most of its history. Its market areas, canal system, parks, and residential areas have all been thoughtfully designed.

Jaipur was given the nickname “Pink City” in 1853 when the reigning King Sawai Ram Singh painted all royal and governmental buildings in sandstone to mark the arrival of the Prince of Wales.

The city took four years to create and was based on the Shilpa Shastra principle of Indian architectural science.

Almost all of the structures in Jaipur were constructed using a particular sandstone available in abundance in Rajasthan. It includes a world-famous planetarium, a lovely city palace, and a multitude of temples and cultural sites.

The new distinguishing piece in the interior is Italian marble. It adds uniqueness to your home and provides a wonderful backdrop to your area while still maintaining longevity as a low-maintenance material.

With its gorgeous shade, unique lusters, and strains, the Italian Range adds a rich look to the house floor, walls, Kitchen, rooms, and bathroom.

It is a popular option for cultural purposes in hotels, offices of multinational corporations, restaurants, resorts, shopping malls, schools, households, and other businesses due to its beautiful look.

The marble in the Italian Range is extremely robust and has a long life. These natural marble stones are imported from Italy and are in high demand across the world.

Marble in Makrana

Makrana is the main center of marble in Rajasthan. Calcitic in nature, Makrana marble is regarded as the oldest, and finest in quality. The present rate of marble production from Makrana is 19.20 million tonnes per year with an annual revenue of rupees (INR) of 20036 crores.

Can you imagine the Taj Mahal’s beauty in any other material than the Makrana Marble?
According to the Times of India (TOI), Makrana marble earned the glorious honor with the International Union of Geological Science where they listed it as a Global Heritage Stone Resource. This monumental designation symbolizes the international recognition of this natural stone due to its global utilization. Taj Mahal, one of the prominent works with Makrana has been a testimonial to this material’s detailed-oriented impact and finesse. One might question, why Makrana of all the materials?
The huge white marble used in the Taj was procured from southwest of Jaipur from a place called Makrana, hence the name. The location was four hundred kilometers away from the Taj Mahal’s site. To transport it, the stonecutter had to rent trollers and logs cut with great precision. Agra had an abundance of red brick material, seen in various architectural structures like the Humayun Tomb, Red Fort, and many more during that era. So why was Makrana chosen over everything else that was easy to procure, especially in times when cranes and trucks had no existence?
The material’s unparalleled beauty and timelessness were the reason behind it. The epic historic event required an equally eternal material that would stand the test of time and make this story of love, immortal.

About the Author

About the Author Hi, I am D.C. Bhandari, chairman of Bhandari Marble Group living in India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh. I love seeing the new and creative ways people use our Marble, Granite, and Natural Stone. Our customers are so creative. My favorite design style is a preppy traditional mix with modern especially pieces that can be found in a vintage or antique stone. I like to invent travel, search, and experiment with natural stone products. For more posts visit our website.






About the Author Hi, I am D.C. Bhandari, chairman of Bhandari Marble World living in India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh. I love seeing the new and creative ways people use our Marble, Granite, and Natural Stone. Our customers are so creative. My favorite design style preppy traditional mix with modern especially pieces that can be found at a vintage or antique stone. I like to invent travel, search, experiment with natural stone products. For more posts visit our website.